Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Brave New World

When we first become parents, we are in awe of the responsibility that has been thrust upon us. We gaze at the perfectness of our newborns, examine their fingers and toes, and breathe in the sweet scent of their innocence. However, the serene calm of our lives is shattered with that first piercing cry at 2 am and we wonder, what the heck have I done? Through out the terrible twos, the awful children's shows, the temper tantrums, the power struggles, the endless McDonald Happy meals, we often ask ourselves...what have I done??
Parenting does have its rewards. I love the sound of my child's laughter. The sweet little cards she made over the years, her imagination, her different way of looking at life.
But with each new milestone comes new struggles. I got past the middle of the night feedings only to face teething. Teething left and in came potty training. After potty training, the power struggles began. (Guess who won? :-) ) Then comes the first day of school. The first sleep over, the first heart break, the first dance, etc.
My newest milestone is driving. My sweet precious innocent baby is now a grown 17 year old who just got her 'real' license. Yesterday, she drove solo for the first time. I think a piece of my heart went with her as she pulled off without me. The next 20 minutes were absolutely awful for me. I was very near a panic attack. My heart was beating out of my chest, I felt my eyes tear up, and the worst things imaginable went through me head. What if she doesn't come home, what if someone hits her, what if she hits someone...and on and on. Somehow my thoughts came under control and I was able to calm down. She was very responsible, calling me when she got to her destinations, and before she left. When she walked in the door 2 1/2 hours later, I gave her a big hug and a kiss. She, of course, was grinning from ear to ear and so proud of herself for being all grown up. So, as I enter this new phase of her 'childhood', I cant help but be a little proud of the woman she is becoming. She has a strong sense of right and wrong, has compassion on the elderly and weak, leads her classmates with integrity and strength, and still sneaks into her mamas room to cuddle.
What more could a mama want? :-)


Mimi said...

What more indeed. This is so sweet, Tonya!! I can't believe Shelby is driving...wow.
Love you!

One Voice of Many said...

That's beautiful girlfriend. You've held her hand throughout life and are handling the slight release with such grace!

Mary said...

Is that what I have to look forward to in 12-13 years? Driving makes them all grown up, huh? Seems like you are handling it well. Love you.